[CERT-INFO#23917] Re: subscription request

CERT Coordination Center (cert@cert.org)
Mon, 18 Dec 1995 16:53:54 EST

> Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
> I'm a student (American Cultural Studies) at the LM University in Munich,
> Germany. At the moment I'm working on my doctoral thesis about "forms of
> crimes in cyberspace" and would be very thankful for informations
> from/about your organization/magazine.
> Yours sincerley
> Thomas Baernthaler
> P.S. If possible please add me to your subscription/mailing list.
> Thank you very much

In response to your request for information, we have attached a copy of the
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for the CERT Coordination Center. The FAQ
includes general information about our organization and answers to questions
we often receive. Additional information is available for anonymous FTP from


and from other locations mentioned in the FAQ. We believe you will find the
information you need in the FAQ and these other sources.


December 1995
Revision 10
JPO# pending

                   The CERT(sm) Coordination Center FAQ

= Preface                                                             =

This document is intended to answer the most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
about the CERT Coordination Center. The FAQ is a dynamic document that will
change as information changes. Suggestions for additional sections are
welcome -- please email them to cert@cert.org.  The most recent copy of this
FAQ is available from

Questions answered in this document

A.  Introduction to the CERT Coordination Center
        A1.  What is the CERT Coordination Center?
        A2.  How do I contact the CERT Coordination Center?
        A3.  Where can I find online information about the CERT Coordination
        A4.  What's in the CERT Coordination Center name?

B.  Where to go for information
        B1.  What is a CERT advisory?
        B2.  Where can I obtain archived CERT advisories?
        B3.  Can I obtain source code to a patch described in a CERT
        B4.  What other alerts does the CERT Coordination Center publish?
        B5.  What mailing lists does the CERT Coordination Center offer?
        B6.  What information is available via anonymous FTP from the
             CERT Coordination Center?
        B7.  What presentations, workshops, and seminars does the CERT
             Coordination Center offer?
        B8.  Where can I get information about firewalls?
        B9.  Where can I get information about viruses?
        B10  What other online information sources does the CERT Coordination
             Center recommend?
        B11. What books or articles does the CERT Coordination Center

C.  Incident Response
        C1.  What kind of information should I provide to the CERT
             Coordination Center when my site has experienced an intrusion?

= Section A.   Introduction to the CERT Coordination Center           =

A1.     What is the CERT Coordination Center?

        The CERT Coordination Center is the organization that grew from the
        computer emergency response team formed by the Defense Advanced
        Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in November 1988 in response to the
        needs exhibited during the Internet worm incident. The CERT charter
        is to work with the Internet community to facilitate its response to
        computer security events involving Internet hosts, to take proactive
        steps to raise the community's awareness of computer security issues,
        and to conduct research targeted at improving the security of existing

        CERT products and services include 24-hour technical assistance for
        responding to computer security incidents, product vulnerability
        assistance, technical documents, and seminars. In addition, the team
        maintains a number of mailing lists (including one for CERT
        advisories) and provides an anonymous FTP server, info.cert.org, where
        security-related documents, CERT advisories, and tools are archived.

A2.     How do I contact the CERT Coordination Center?

        U.S. mail address
          CERT Coordination Center
          Software Engineering Institute
          Carnegie Mellon University
          Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890

        Internet email address

        Telephone number
          +1 412-268-7090 (24-hour hotline)
            CERT Coordination Center personnel answer
            8:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. EST(GMT-5)/EDT(GMT-4), on call for
            emergencies during other hours.

        FAX number
          +1 412-268-6989

        Warning: When sending sensitive information by email, please use
                 encryption. The CERT public PGP key is available from

                 If you prefer to use DES, please call the CERT hotline to
                 exchange DES keys over the phone.

A3.     Where can I find online information about the CERT Coordination

        Online information about our work, along with advisories, technical
        tips, and other security information is available from


A4.     What's in the CERT name?

        Since its beginning in 1988, the CERT Coordination Center has acquired
        its name through an evolutionary process. Because of this, you may see
        the CERT Coordination Center referred to by several different names.
        You may hear us called Computer Emergency Response Team,
        or just CERT, but our proper name is the CERT Coordination Center.

        CERT(sm) is a service mark of Carnegie Mellon University and should
        not be expanded into an acronym definition or used as a stand-alone

        The CERT email address has undergone a similar evolution. We use the
        email address


        Any references to


        should be changed to the current address, which is


= Section B.   Where To Go for Information                            =

B1.     What is a CERT advisory?

        A CERT advisory is a document that provides information on how to
        obtain a patch or details of a workaround for a known computer
        security problem. The CERT Coordination Center works with vendors to
        produce a workaround or a patch for a problem, and does not publish
        vulnerability information until a workaround or a patch is available.
        A CERT advisory may also be a warning to our constituency about
        ongoing attacks (e.g., "CA-95:18.widespread.attacks").

        CERT advisories are published on the USENET newsgroup


        and are distributed via the cert-advisory mailing list. Both
        publication methods are described below.

B2.     Where can I obtain archived CERT advisories?

        CERT advisories are available from


        The CA-xx:xx.README file associated with each advisory contains updates
        we receive after the advisory has been released.

        The "01-README" file provides a short summary of each advisory.

        At the following URL, you can search the advisory list as well as
        link to the FTP archive.


B3.     Can I get source code to a patch described in a CERT advisory?

        The CERT Coordination Center does not provide source-level patches.
        Some vendors make source-level patches available to their source
        customers while others only distribute binary patches. Contact your
        vendor for more information.

B4.  What other alerts does the CERT Coordination Center publish?

      (a) CERT vendor-initiated bulletins

          Vendor-initiated bulletins contain verbatim text from vendors about
          a security problem relating to their products. They include enough
          information for readers to determine whether the problem affects
          them, along with steps readers can take to avoid problems. Our goal
          in creating these bulletins is to help the vendors' security
          information get wide distribution quickly.

          CERT vendor-initiated bulletins are distributed the same way as CERT
          advisories. They are sent to the cert-advisory mailing list and
          posted to comp.security.announce. They are archived at


       (b) CERT Summary

           The CERT Summary calls attention to the types of attacks currently
           being reported to the CERT Coordination Center. The summary also
           contains a list of new or updated files in our FTP archive.

           Summaries are published 4-6 times a year. Like advisories and
           vendor-initiated bulletins, they are sent to the cert-advisory
           mailing list and posted to comp.security.announce. They are
           archived at


B5.     What mailing lists does the CERT Coordination Center offer?

        (a) CERT advisory mailing list

            The CERT Coordination Center maintains a mailing list for those
            members of our constituency who do not have access to USENET news
            or who would like to have advisories, bulletins, and the CERT
            Summary mailed directly to them or to a mail exploder at their

            If you would like to be added to the CERT mailing list, please
            send email to


            You will receive confirmation mail when you have been placed on
            the list.

        (b) CERT tools mailing list

            The purpose of this moderated mailing list is to encourage the
            exchange of information on security tools and techniques. The list
            should not be used for security problem reports.

            Note that the CERT Coordination Center does not formally review,
            evaluate, or endorse the tools and techniques described. The
            decision to use a tool or technique is the responsibility of
            each user or organization, and we encourage each organization to
            thoroughly evaluate new tools and techniques before installing
            or using them.

            Membership is restricted to system programmers, system
            administrators, and others with a legitimate interest in the
            development of computer security tools. If you would like to be
            considered for inclusion, please send mail to


            You will receive confirmation mail when you have been placed on
            the list.

B6.     What information is available via anonymous FTP from the CERT
        Coordination Center?

        The CERT Coordination Center has a variety of computer security
        information available from ftp://info.cert.org/pub/

        The 01-README file contains a short description of each directory, as
        well as the files that are at the /pub level of the FTP area.

        The file "ls-lR" lists the subdirectories and the files found in those
        subdirectories. Examples of what you will find in the /pub directory
        are listed below.

        This directory contains contact information for members of the
        Forum of Incident Response Teams (FIRST), listed according to the
        constituency they serve. (Additional information on FIRST is
        available from http://www.first.org/first.)

        In this directory are all the CERT advisories released since the
        CERT Coordination Center was established in December 1988. README
        files associated with individual advisories contain updated
        information and clarifications.

        This directory contains CERT vendor-initiated bulletins, which we
        started publishing in late 1994. The bulletins include text written
        by vendors about security problems and solutions related to their
        platforms and systems.

        This directory contains the output of several Internet Engineering
        Task Force (IETF) working groups. It includes the Site Security
        Handbook (RFC 1244) and Guidelines for the Secure Operation of the
        Internet (RFC 1281).

        This directory contains postscript (.ps) versions of papers by Bill
        Cheswick, Steve Bellovin, and others, along with the original
        announcement of the cert-tools mailing list.

        This directory contains practical advice on topics such as
        anonymous FTP configurations and packet filtering. It also contains
        security checklists, which system administrators can use to assess
        and improve the security of their sites.

        This directory contains software packages such as COPS, Crack, and
        Tripwire. It includes daemon wrappers, virus-detection programs, MD5,
        and the text of RFC 1321.

        This file contains instructions for using the InterNIC whois databases
        to find the point of contact for an Internet site.

B7.     What presentations, workshops, and seminars does the CERT
        Coordination Center offer?

        (a) Presentations

            Throughout the year, members of the CERT Coordination Center give
            presentations at various technical conferences, seminars, and
            regional networks. Periodically, special arrangements can be made
            to tailor presentations to fit the requirements of the specific
            site. For further information regarding presentations, please
            contact the CERT Coordination Center. (Contact information
            is in section A.2.)

        (b) Workshops

            From 1989 to 1992 the CERT Coordination Center hosted and
            co-sponsored the annual FIRST Workshop on Incident Handling. CERT
            staff has continued to participate in subsequent workshops. For
            further information about the FIRST Workshop on Incident Handling,
            please contact the CERT Coordination Center or refer to


        (c) Seminars

            (1) Internet Security for Managers

                Description:  This seminar helps managers understand what
                needs to be done to ensure that their computer systems and
                networks are as securely managed as possible when operating
                within the Internet community. Attendees will be provided
                with information that will enable them to formulate realistic
                security policies, procedures, and programs specific to their
                operating environment.

                Audience:  This seminar is designed for managers of computing
                centers/facilities, individuals tasked to evaluate/initiate
                Internet connectivity, for senior system administrators, and
                for others interested in computer security within the Internet

            (2) Internet Security for System and Network Administrators

                Description:  The information presented in this seminar is
                based on incidents reported to the CERT Coordination Center.
                Topics include fundamental security practices for UNIX system
                administration, the latest information network security, and
                establishing an appropriate site security policy.

                Audience:  This seminar is designed for practitioners (UNIX
                system and network administrators) who need to build and
                maintain trustworthy network systems, for UNIX system
                programmers, and for practitioners who evaluate or initiate
                Internet connectivity. Some system administrator experience
                is assumed.

B8.     Where can I get information about firewalls?

        (a) Firewalls mailing list

            The Firewalls mailing list is a discussion forum for firewall
            administrators and implementors. To subscribe to Firewalls, send
            mail to


            In the body of the message, put only

                subscribe firewalls

        (b) Firewalls digest

            The Firewalls digest is a compilation of messages from the
            Firewalls mailing list. To subscribe to the Firewalls digest, send
            mail to


            In the body of the message, put only

                subscribe firewalls-digest

            Compressed back issues are available from


B9.     Where can I get information about viruses?

        (a) VIRUS-L mailing list

            VIRUS-L is a moderated mailing list with a focus on computer virus
            issues. For more information, including a copy of the posting
            guidelines, see


            To be added to the mailing list, send mail to


            In the body of the message, put nothing more than

                SUB VIRUS-L your name

            The current archive site for virus-l is


            This site contains digests of the mailing list, 1988-present.
            In addition, there is a directory containing anti-virus tools.

            Back digests of the virus-l mailing list 1988-1993 are also
            available from


          (b) comp.virus

              The comp.virus newsgroup is a moderated newsgroup.
              For more information, including a copy of the posting
              guidelines, see


           Note: The CERT Coordination Center focuses primarily on
                 vulnerabilities in networked systems that intruders can
                 exploit. Viruses, though they may be transmitted over a
                 network, are generally outside the current scope of our
                 work. However, we are interested in hearing reports of
                 UNIX or other mainframe viruses and about worms that could
                 propagate via the Internet.

B10.    What other online sources does the CERT Coordination
        Center recommend?

        (a) USENET newsgroups

            The archive of FAQs for USENET groups can be a good source of
            information. These FAQs are available from


             Among the security related newsgroups are the following:

                (1) comp.security.announce

                    The comp.security.announce newsgroup is moderated
                    and is used solely for the distribution of CERT

                (2) comp.security.misc

                    The comp.security.misc newsgroup is a forum for the
                    discussion of computer security, especially as it relates
                    to the UNIX operating system.

                (3) alt.security

                    The alt.security newsgroup is also a forum for the
                    discussion of computer security, as well as other security
                    topics (such as car locks and alarm systems).

                (4) comp.virus

                    The comp.virus newsgroup is a moderated newsgroup with
                    a focus on computer virus issues.

                (5) comp.risks

                    The comp.risks newsgroup is a moderated forum on the
                    risks to the public in computers and related systems.

        (b) Mailing lists

            A list of publicly accessible mailing lists is available from


        (c) NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Computer
            Security Bulletin Board

            Information posted on the bboard includes an events calendar,
            software reviews, publications, bibliographies, lists of
            organizations, and other government bulletin board numbers. This
            bboard contains no sensitive (unclassified or classified)

            If you have any questions, contact NIST by phone at
            301-975-3359; by FAX at 301-590-0932; or by email at

            NIST also has a web site at

         (d) Web pages

             New information is constantly being made available online,
             particularly on the World Wide Web. If you have access to a
             web browser or other search engine, we urge you to query for
             security-related topics.

B11.    What books or articles does the CERT Coordination Center

        [Bishop 87]     Bishop, Matt.  "How to Write a Setuid Program."
                        ;login: 12, 1 (Jan/Feb 1987): 5-12.

        [Cheswick 94]   Cheswick, William R.; Bellovin, Steven M.
                        Firewalls and Internet Security: Repelling the Wily
                        Hacker. New York: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company,

        [Curry 90]      Curry, Dave.  "Improving the Security of Your
                        UNIX System" (Technical Report ITSTD-721-FR-90-21).
                        Menlo Park, CA:  SRI International, April 1990.

        [Curry 92]      Curry, David A.  UNIX System Security:  A Guide for
                        Users and System Administrators. Reading, MA:
                        Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Inc., 1992.
                        (ISBN 0-201-56327-4)

        [Denning 91]    Denning, Peter J., ed.  Computers Under Attack:
                        Intruders, Worms, and Viruses.  ACM Press, New York:
                        Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1990.
                        (ISBN 0-201-53067-8)

        [Ellis 94]      Ellis, Jim; Fraser, Barbara; Pesante, Linda. "Keeping
                        Internet Intruders Away." UNIX Review 12, 9 (September
                        1994): 35-44.

        [Farrow 91]     Farrow, Rik.  How to Protect Your Data and Prevent
                        Intruders:  UNIX System Security. Reading, MA:
                        Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1991.
                        (ISBN 0-201-57030-0)

        [Fithen 94]     Fithen, Katherine; Fraser, Barbara. "CERT Incident
                        Response and the Internet." Communications of the ACM
                        37, 8 (August 1994): 108-113.

        [Garfinkel and Spafford 91]
                        Garfinkel, Simson; Spafford, Gene.  Practical UNIX
                        Security. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.,
                        [1994] c1991. (ISBN 0-937175-72-2)

        [Grampo and Morris 84]
                        Grampo, M.; Morris, R.T.  "UNIX Operating System
                        Security."  AT&T Technical Journal 63, 8 (Oct 1984):

        [Hafner and Markoff 91]
                        Hafner, Katie; Markoff, John.  Cyberpunk: Outlaws
                        and Hackers on the Computer Frontier. New York:
                        Simon & Schuster, 1991.

        [Morris and Thompson 79]
                        Morris, R.T.; Thompson, K.  "Password Security:
                        A Case History."  Communications of the ACM 22, 11
                        (November 1979):  594-597.

        [Nemeth, Snyder, and Seebass 89]
                        Nemeth, Evi; Snyder, Garth; Seebass, Scott.
                        UNIX System Administration Handbook.  Englewood
                        Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1989. (ISBN 0-13-933441-6)

        [Stoll 89]      Stoll, Clifford.  The Cuckoo's Egg: Tracking a
                        Spy Through the Maze of Computer Espionage.
                        New York, NY: Doubleday, 1989. (ISBN 0-385-24946-2)

        [Wood and Kochran 86]
                        Wood, Patrick; Kochran, Stephen.  UNIX System
                        Security.  Hasbrouck Heights, NJ: Haden Books, 1986.

= Section C.   Incident Response                                      =

C1.     What kind of information should I provide to the CERT staff when my
        site has had an intrusion?

        The CERT Coordination Center would like as much information as
        possible, including opinions and thoughts as to how the break-in
        occurred. Some specifics include:

                 1) names of host(s) compromised at your site

                 2) account name(s) compromised

                 3) architecture and OS (operating system and revision)
                    of compromised host(s)

                 4) whether or not security patches have been applied
                    to the compromised host(s); if so, were patches
                    applied before or after the intrusion

                 5) other host(s)/site(s) involved in the intrusion and
                    whether or not you have already contacted those
                    site(s) about the intrusion

                 6) if other site(s) have been contacted, the contact
                    information used for contacting the site(s)

                 7) if CERT staff members are to contact the other site(s),
                    may we give the other sites your contact information
                    (i.e., your name, email address, and phone number)

                 8) whether or not any law enforcement agencies have
                    been contacted

                 9) appropriate log extracts (including timestamps)

                10) what assistance you would like from the CERT
                    Coordination Center

        Incident reporting form

        The CERT staff has developed an incident reporting form in an effort
        to facilitate our interaction with members of the Internet community.
        Note that our policy is to keep confidential any information you
        provide unless we receive your permission to release that information.
        The form is located at


Copyright 1995 Carnegie Mellon University

This material may be reproduced and distributed without permission provided it
is used for noncommercial purposes and the copyright statement is included.

CERT is a service mark of Carnegie Mellon University.

The CERT Coordination Center is sponsored by the Advanced Research Projects
Agency (ARPA). The Software Engineering Institute is sponsored by the U.S.
Department of Defense.